29 Apr Coworking Resource Round-Up
If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that coworking spaces are BOOMING. Not only are entrepreneurs and small businesses flourishing out of coworking spaces, but the sheer number of these spaces is growing at an incredible speed. The fact of the matter is that coworking is a pretty big deal these days, and while the idea gains momentum, there’s a ton of really awesome resources out there related to the coworking space in general. We want to continue introducing these great resources to our members, so consider this just the beginning.
The site’s first line says it all: “If you are a coworker, space owner, or coworking enthusiast, this site belongs to you.” Like every other wiki out there, this is a database where individuals can upload, request editing privileges, and join discussions around anything coworking. This is essentially the first place to look when you’ve got a question or when you have something worthwhile to talk about.
Subscriptions only here, please. Don’t worry, it’s free and worth it. Alex Hillman, the founder of Indy Hall (one of the longest continuously operating co-working spaces around), lives and breathes coworking. This blog is a continuous wealth of information about the nuances of coworking, big news in the industry, and generally what’s going on around the world in coworking spaces. For those of you who are as into coworking spaces as we are, subscribe to his blog and follow him as he provides information, tips, and more.
We understand that this blog isn’t the most creatively named, but it does exactly what it sets out to do. Taking a look at coworking around the world, this blog aims to provide a space for coworkers who have something to contribute to the ever-expanding community. This means that most everything is written by someone who has submitted to the blog. That’s right, if you wanted to write about that specific thing, here would be the place to send it.
This is a fairly simple website with a worldwide agenda: connecting coworking spaces worldwide through a visa that allows you to travel and work in any of the included spaces. There are literally hundreds of coworking spaces that are a part of this awesome visa all over the world, and you can almost guarantee that if you’re heading out somewhere across U.S. border—or in, they have those too—you’ll find a coworking space to visit on the way.
2015 Global Coworking Unconference Conference
This cleverly named conference is the nation’s biggest coworking oriented conference. This year, they’re taking it back to the roots of coworking: California. Hosted at Berkeley, May 6-8, attendees get a chance to meet other coworkers around the country, sit in on keynote speakers, and generally share excitement around coworking. Oh, and even if you aren’t totally hyped up about a conference in California (some of us have work to do around here), then you might consider checking out their website for some pretty useful blogs and other coworking-related information. Trust us, their website is worth a visit.
Written by our sponsor Metonymy Media. Metonymy is a union of creative writers dedicated to serving companies and agencies with practical and effective content marketing strategies for growth and success.