Launch Fishers Members

This month we are spotlighting member company Cnect! Cnect’s modern hiring platform leverages AI to help companies hire 50% faster while providing a world-class candidate experience. Their industry-agnostic solution digitizes and transforms the hiring process by eliminating the need for first-round interviews through continuous candidate...

This month’s member spotlight is on Vemo Education. As the leader in income share agreements (ISAs), they design, implement and manage impactful ISA programs to align school and student outcomes. Their innovative solutions and unique insights allow schools to compete, succeed, and fundamentally change their...

Launch Fishers continues to attract local entrepreneurs and high-growth potential enterprises, and PearCircuit is no exception. A team of designers and developers who are experts in web & mobile apps, websites, and product branding, the PearCircuit mission is to build validated and profitable tech products. Whether...

Andre Boulais, Senior Director of Engage Strategic Services, Jobvite Andre’s strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit formed in elementary school, selling gum after lunch for 500% markup to fund his passion for comic books. He’s had his nose to the grindstone ever since. A graduate from Ben...

  [caption id="attachment_21455" align="alignright" width="201"] Eric Hensley is a Launch Fishers member and employed by GitHub[/caption] Today we live in a world where “every business is in the software business”. Eric Hensley works for  GitHub, a company that helps facilitate the software in this new world. When...