22 Apr Member Spotlight: Joel Sheets and One Tree Docs
It’s Earth Day and we’re excited about it. If you’ve ever been to the Launch Fishers space you know we do our best to keep things environmentally friendly. You’ve probably seen the recycling bins located at multiple places in the facility. We even bag our leftover coffee grounds from RISE and leave them for members to take home to their gardens.
Our members are environmentally conscious as well. One of our newer members has dedicated his entire business model to improving the environment. Joel Sheets started One Tree Docs in April 2013. “I was really inspired by the TOMS business model,” he said. Joel wanted to start an environmentally friendly business but needed a purpose behind his work that would help better the world. His solution? Donating trees in his clients’ names through a partnership with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.
Joel’s email signature reads “Founder and Everything Else”. As an entrepreneur Joel says his biggest challenge has been wearing every hat in the organization. He’s had to learn to manage his time differently and think in new ways but now his business is running the way he wants it. “I couldn’t have learned it from anyone else,” he said.
One Tree Docs has inspired Joel’s clients to get more involved with the tree donation initiative behind the business model. That has been the biggest reward as an entrepreneur Joel said.
Joel has been a member of Launch Fishers for three weeks and is already seeing the benefits of the culture. He compares the energy of the coworking space to the feeling you get before running a marathon. “It’s like running a race. If you’ve ever run the Mini-Marathon you get there and there are 35,000 other people who have also given their time to prepare for it. It’s electric.”
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