13 Jul High School Fellowship Spurs Creation of Young Entrepreneurs’ Business
This past June, high school students from the HSE School District participated in the second annual Launch Fishers High School Fellowship bootcamp. This weeklong program consisted of guest speakers with entrepreneurial experience and ended with an interview process that placed many students in summer internship positions throughout Hamilton County.
Two participants of the fellowship, Phil Tran and Nate Smith, are great examples of entrepreneurship in action. In addition to their summer internships, the students have teamed-up to create “Phil&NatePaint,” their own mailbox painting company.
The business consists of painting mailbox posts to the correct specifications of each neighborhood’s homeowner’s associations as well as polishing the metal mailboxes.
For the students, finding enough time to handle two jobs isn’t an issue. According to Toby Smith, Nate’s mom, the boys “have been working every night after they intern, weekends, and even on the 4th [of July]!”
While most high school students spend their summerbreak relaxing, Phil and Nate have put the skills discussed within the Fellowship to use. We at Launch Fishers applaud the boys for their hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit. Way to go Phil&NatePaint!
For more information, please email philnatepaint@gmail.com.