29 Jul FailFest 2016: A Recap
#FAILFEST16 is a wrap.
We started with a blank slate of a nearly 1,000-seat performing arts center and a cafe at Fishers High School! An amazing place to be certain!
We ended with new relationships formed and lessons learned from among the 300 registered guests, speakers and volunteers.
Our volunteers ranged from high schoolers in our Launch Fishers High School Fellowship to Orr Fellows interested in a day of service and growth.
Our speakers came from a wide range of industry and community leaders of all shapes, colors and sizes.
We owe a big thank you to all of our volunteers as well as to HSE Schools, our speakers and the hundreds of guests who believe enough in our innovation ecosystem to spend a day talking, thinking and learning about how failure paves the way to success. To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, It is after all the man (and woman) in the arena that deserves the credit. Not the critic, who tears things down. The builder of things, the one who isn’t afraid to risk it all — that is who deserves credit.
Builders build things. Creators create things. Innovators and entrepreneurs are our modern day patriots. They make our world a better place and most of the time have a good time along the way. So thanks to all of you who showed up and we hope to see you September 21st for FailFest Wabash Valley produced by our friends at Launch Terre Haute!
As John Qualls said yesterday quoting the incomparable Paul Harvey, “and now you know the rest of the story.”