16 Mar Noblesville Innovations Class: Jacob Reks
It’s one thing to talk about how education should be changed, but it’s something completely different to actually experience it. This past year, I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of a revolutionary class called “Innovations.” Instructed by Don Wettrick, this class teaches students to find what they are passionate about and then to do something with that passion. Going into this class with absolutely no expectations, my life has completely changed. Surprisingly, the hardest part was figuring out what I was passionate about! Having the capability to actually work in a school setting on what I WANTED to work on was so foreign to me.
One of my best friends and I had a problem with powdered products (i.e. baby formula, lemonade, proteins, pre-workouts, etc). Being avid weightlifters, we hated how much of a mess was made when you pour out the scoop of protein powder, the annoyance of lugging that big tub/bag of protein out every time we needed it, and how, if any liquid got in the tub, part of the product was completely ruined. Since that first Pitch Day in Innovations class, a lot has transpired. It’s been incredible to see how much the product has changed; from drawing the first sketch and “knowing” that that was it, to the product being a completely different shape, idea, and design. The product idea has changed a dozen times building up to the amazing product I have today!

Jacob Reks is a senior at Noblesville High School and a student in the Innovations class led by Don Wettrick.
Mr. Wettrick has had two rules throughout the school year: 1. Showcase your projects through social media and 2. Find mentors. I’ve realized how much of a tool social media can be. The connections I’ve made and the knowledge I’ve learned from those already successful in their own business endeavors is astounding to me. Collaborating with some of the best people in their respective professions is a cumulative advantage unlike any I’ve ever experienced. I now have an extensive list of contacts on whom I will be able to rely for the rest of my life.
Through this entire process, I’ve not just learned a lot of life lessons, I’ve experienced them. I’ve learned what types of partnership agreements there are (LLCs, PLCs, etc) but also experienced how hard it is to negotiate (and dissolve) a partnership. I’ve learned to never be absolutely set on a product design and consequently the incredible value of feedback and constructive criticism. I’ve learned the importance of planning and goal setting but I’ve experienced the reality of things not always going according to plan. Above all, I’ve learned to seek opportunities instead of waiting for them to find me.
If it weren’t for the Innovations class, I wouldn’t have discovered the love I have for being an entrepreneur. I have decided to attend IUPUI’s Kelley School of Business after high school and look forward to taking advantage of the entrepreneurial “playground” that is Indianapolis!
As much as I’d like to tell you even more about my product, there’s only so much I can say before my patent process is completed. If you would like to learn more about what I am doing or if you’d like to see the other projects my colleagues are working on feel free to follow me on twitter @Jacob_Reks . A link to my blog can be found in the description. If you have any advice or want to talk with me, I’d love to chat!
Written by: Jacob Reks
Jacob is a senior at Noblesville High School. He has been a resident in Noblesville, IN for 17 years, but was born in Zanesville, OH in 1996. Jacob loves public-speaking and being with people. His favorite organization that he is currently involved with is Noblesville Police Department’s Stranger Danger Program. For over 15 years this program has taught elementary school kids how to act around strangers. Follow Jacob on Twitter at @Jacob_Reks and view his blog here.