31 Mar Panel Takeaways: Rose-Hulman Students Learn from Launch Members
One of our favorite ways to spend a day at Launch Fishers is with a group of entrepreneur-focused students. When Rose-Hulman approached us about organizing a day for some of their engineering students we answered with an enthusiastic “YES”! The day included awesome t-shirts designed by Iconic Digital, a great lunch catered by Nameless Catering and a panel discussion comprised of three talented Launch Fishers members. The advice the panelists shared not only applied to up-and-coming business minds, but those of us who already exist in the business world. We highlight some of their best bits below:
“Make sure you surround yourself with brighter people.” Matt Wyatt, CEO of Recovery Force, explained how important it is to be challenged by those around you. Choose mentors, partners and team members that will force you to think in new ways. “You may be pretty bright, but there’s always someone brighter,” Matt said.
“It’s part art, part science.” John Wechsler, founder of Launch Fishers, spoke about the role that data plays in creating a start-up. It’s important to make decisions based on the cold, hard data but it’s just as crucial to use experience and creativity to further your success.
“Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is all that matters.” Jim Brown, founder of Haven, stressed the importance of acting on your ideas. There may be a handful of people and businesses that have similar ideas to your own, but what really matters is bringing those ideas to life.
“If you’re depriving yourself on a personal level, then your job and professional life will suffer as well.” Carolyn Byard of Iconic Digital let the students in on a simple concept that we all could be reminded of once in a while. If you’re living in an area that doesn’t suit you, not getting enough sleep or maybe not giving yourself time to relax then your work will suffer as a result.
What advice would you give to up-and-coming entrepreneurs? Tell us in a comment below, tweet @launchfishers or leave it on our Facebook page.