08 Jan TigerDynasty Robotics Team Kicks Off 2016 Season
This Saturday, January 9th the Fishers High School “TigerDynasty” Robotics team will quarantine themselves in the conference room at Launch Fishers and begin work on their newest challenge.
TigerDynasty is part of the FIRST Robotics Competition, or FRC. FRC is an international high school robotics competition. Each year, teams of high school students and mentors work during a six-week period to build game-playing robots that weigh up to 120 pounds. These robots complete tasks such as scoring balls into goals, flying discs into goals, placing inner tubes onto racks, hanging on bars, and balancing robots on balance beams. The game changes each year to keep the excitement fresh and give every team a more level playing field.
This year Disney Imagineers teamed up with NASA to create the challenge TigerDynasty will take on. According to the team, time crunch is one of the hardest parts. While the competition gives each team six weeks to build TigerDynasty explained that you want the robot done between four and five weeks so you have time to test it. Building the robot is a very collaborative process where every member of the team uses their skills to make the robot the best it can be. The team is divided into three parts, the Mechanical Division (the builders of the robot), the Electrical Division (add electrical circuits to the robot), the Programming Division (adds programming and instruction to the robot), and the Business Division (which is the driving force behind it all).
The students pride themselves on the gracious professionalism of their team. The idea is to lift everyone up whether you lose or win. The purpose of FIRST is to both learn and have fun. This Saturday the team will be given the task from NASA that the robot needs to do this year and begin their first day of work. If you are interested in learning more about TigerDynasty you can check out their website here. If you are interested in sponsoring the team you can find out more information here.