24 Feb A perfect 300!
By John Wechsler, Entrepreneur
As we quietly breezed past the 300 member mark at Launch Fishers, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the image of perfection I see on display every time I walk though the doors. Standby for bowling references in 3, 2, 1…..
By perfection I don’t mean everything works every time, like a bowler who takes down every pin in every frame to roll a perfect 300. But I think it’s more important to think about perfection in terms of perfecting the process of making something better everyday. One of our members (name withheld to protect the innocent) said it best at our first member meet-up, and I will paraphrase, “if there is something wrong here, it isn’t wrong for long.” That to me is perfection.
No one can expect to nail it — perfectly — every time they try. But we can each show up everyday with the attitude that we will improve and we will fix those things that we think need fixing. That is perfect in my world!
I so badly wanted to roll in some more bowling analogies (did you see what I did there?). But I am not a bowler. In fact, I stink at bowling! So I guess I will have to wait for something more down my alley (see, did it again).
Like maybe celebrating new member milestones that match up with other examples of perfection. Like Ty Cobb’s .366 all time MLB batting average. Or we could pause when we next land on one of the few known perfect numbers, 496 is our next chance. Or we could stick with sports themes and celebrate the technology, guts and leadership that it takes to win The Indy 500. Whatever the case, keep an eye out for a post (or three) from me as we cross the milestones in membership numbers and growth at Launch Fishers.
After all, the pursuit of perfection wouldn’t be perfect without a moment for refection and celebration, right? Thanks to all of our Launch Fishers members (and our team members and sponsors who support them) for being awesome and for making this place a very special hub of entrepreneurial innovation!