27 Jun Bootcamp Teaches Students to Code on Raspberry Pi
By Adam Masters, Launch Fishers
Over 15 high school students from Hamilton County schools experienced the limitless world of computer programming earlier this week at Launch Fishers.
The bootcamp was led by Launch Fishers members Barry Geipel (Mantid Interactive), Josh Brown (Roadfire Software), Calvin Hendryx-Parker (Six Feet Up), and Matt Molter (Design PD). Students learned coding basics on the Raspberry Pi platform, (a credit card size computer) from these professional coders.
The class kicked off with a simple task of making a PB&J sandwich. The students verbally walked through the classic step-by-step instruction process, but this time, they were commanding the computer (acted out by Barry Geipel) as he did EXACTLY what they said. “Put the peanut butter on the bread,” said one of the students, and the entire container was placed on top of the slices. This demonstration was to show how computers interpret code in a very literal sense.
The class was a huge success! Students that said they never would have considered programming, didn’t want the class to end! Not only did the students get a chance to investigate an interest in programming, they also got to keep the Raspberry Pi at the end of the class, opening doors to further learning and fun!
The Entrepreneurship Advancement Center (EAC) and Launch Fishers sponsored the camp. Launch Fishers and its members believe that to build the future you need to invest in the future! Look for more mini-camps coming from Launch Fishers and the surrounding community @launchfishers and at launchfishers.com!