28 Feb February Member Meet Up Recap
By Claire Dalton, PR & Social Media Specialist
It’s sort of impossible to not be excited about a Launch Fishers member meet up when a line-up of all-stars like serial entrepreneur and First Internet Bank CEO, David Becker, Indianapolis Colts Tight End, Coby Fleener, and founder of the Marketing Technology Blog, Doug Karr, are there to speak to members about the all-encompassing world of business, startups and all things entrepreneurship.
Over 70 members received a first-hand insight into the world of two very successful businessmen, Karr and Becker. Karr kicked off the meet up by sharing his story of losing his dad to leukemia and how his business helps cancer efforts via marketing technology. Becker opened the floor up for a purely “question and answer” session, where members were able to pick his brain for his opinions of the smartest business practices in the entrepreneurial and startup world. Fleener also opened the floor up to members to ask questions about his endeavors on and off the field in playing football at Stanford and playing for the Indianapolis Colts.
It was a joy to listen to all three speakers, who all offered valuable insight for Launch Fishers members. To thank out members for attending the meet up, give-away prizes were raffled off, like Girl Scout cookies, Town of Fishers paraphernalia, and even tickets to the men’s Big 10 Basketball Championship hosted here in March.
Stay tuned for pictures from the event.
Happy Friday!
Click the images to enlarge.
All photos taken by Brian Brosmer