23 May Fueling Innovation One Sip at a Time
The Launch Fishers coffee shop has become a hub of activity, fueling innovation, since it opened in March 2013. In fact, revenue has increased 100% in the last six months!
With that kind of activity and growth, it’s the right time to give the coffee shop it’s own identity. The coffee shop’s new name is Rise: The Coffee Shop @ Launch Fishers.
Bette, one of Launch Fishers’ baristas, believes that “Rise” is a fitting name for the coffee shop. “We have always tried to Rise to the occasion and give our members what they want. Members said they wanted snacks and nuts. We got them. They wanted chocolate coffee. We got it. They wanted a healthy alternative to fraps so we now offer fruit smoothies. Our focus is on the members.”
Coffee plays an important role for entrepreneurs. Many entrepreneurs develop their business concept while working in a coffee shop. In fact, studies have found that coffee benefits entrepreneurs by encouraging social engagement, inspiration, energy, and productivity. Obviously, Launch members agree! In the last year, Rise has served 6,152 drinks, 36% of which were specialty drinks.
Thanks to Iconic Partners, a Launch member, for creating the new brand. Rise looks forward to continuing to fuel innovation at Launch!