15 Oct iOS App Development Workshop Coming Soon
Two Launch Fishers members, Josh Brown and Randy Edmonds, are offering a class on iOS development for developers who want to learn to build iPhone and iPad apps. It’s a half-day workshop that’ll help you get started with iOS, with opportunities to ask questions and interact with the experts. If you’ve tried books or online tutorials and they just haven’t clicked, this is your chance to get some live, in-person training. Here’s some more information from Josh and Randy:iOS Dev Training Half-Day WorkshopDesigned for experienced developers interested in making the leap to iOS, this class covers the essential aspects of Objective-C and iOS app development. It’s everything you need to get started with iOS development.After the workshop, you’ll be able to:– Create a new project in Xcode– Build a view that displays a list of items– Handle user interaction– Transition between views– Write basic Objective-C codeAfter the workshop, you’ll have:– Everything you need to start building your own app– Access to the source code for our sample app– A new perspective on programming– Access to resources you can use to continue learning iOS
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this class for me?If you’re an experienced developer and you’re new to Objective-C or iOS and want to make the leap, this class is perfect for you. You should already know basic programming concepts like loops and conditionals and how to implement them in your favorite language.Who’s teaching the class?Josh Brown is the Founder and CEO of Roadfire Software, a consultancy that builds iOS apps for businesses. He recently co-authored Developing an iOS 7 Edge, a book for developers about what’s new in iOS 7. He speaks at iOS user groups and writes about iOS development on his company’s blog. He’s taught iOS development classes and mentored developers one-on-one. He’s been doing iOS development for four years and has had the privilege of working on apps for companies of various sizes, from the Fortune 500 to small startups.Randy Edmonds is the Founder of AppHands, where he develops iOS apps for clients. He’s a regular speaker at the local Indy CocoaHeads group, and has talked about various topics from the app submission process to face detection to QR codes to particle emitters and more. He’s built iOS apps for local companies like ChaCha and ExactTarget in his five years of iOS development experience.What should I bring?A MacBook with OS X 10.8 or higher.Where can I find more information?Check out iOSDevTraining.comI’m ready to sign up! Where can I do that?