11 Sep MBO Conference 2013
Masters of Business Online will hold a conference at Latitude 39 in Indianapolis on October 9 to educate marketers on how to best do business online. Attendees will not only understand how to set goals and objectives, but they will also learn how to align them with online strategies that garner success.
This year’s keynote speaker, Martha Patzer, was one of the top digital strategists for President Obama’s re-election. She helped lead the team of writers and campaigners who raised more than a half billion dollars online, engaging more than 17 million people over email. Patzer will cover how President Obama’s campaign “Won With Data” by managing the email rapid response team and helped design and implement program optimization for email fundraising.
At MBO 2013, attendees will also:
LEARN how to link and leverage all aspects of your digital marketing efforts
UNDERSTAND and apply relevant metrics to drive and evaluate campaigns
CREATE a bridge between your company’s brand and online goals
CONNECT and network with other marketing professionals and industry experts
For more information about this event and how to register, please visit https://www.getyourmbo.com/register/.