26 Nov A New Meetup – Iconic Wednesdays
Launch Fishers members Jason Hutcheson, from Iconic Partners, and Brad Seaman, from MonsterConnect, created a new “meetup” group: Iconic Wednesdays.
Every Wednesday at noon, they will host a 45-minute meetup covering marketing and sales. One week, one meetup member will be selected to get up and talk about his/her marketing strategy, the tools he/she uses (CRM, Marketing Automation Software, Webforms, etc.), and what techniques have been working and have not been working for him/her from a sales perspective.
In order to not become static, every other Wednesday, Brad and Jason will bring in a subject matter expert to discuss sales and marketing, which will follow a question-and-answer format. For an example of the type of guests they will recruit and what the format will be like, check out sales guru Aaron Ross.
For more information about Iconic Wednesdays, please feel free to email Jason at jason@iconicpartners.com or Brad at bseaman@monster-connect.com.